To make a long story short (and so my nerves don't get the best of me by recalling every detail) Terrell was in a single car accident on his way home for lunch. He was going around a curve on a 2 lane highway between Covington and Social Circle when he ran off the road just a little. In an attempt to steer back onto the road and make the curve, he over-corrected/ compensated/ whatever you want to call it, and lost control of his truck. He slid horizontally down the road a little ways (perpendicular to the road, taking up both lanes) before hitting a guard rail and flipping down a steep embankment 20-30 feet. I knew as soon as I heard the noise in the background and the sound of Terrell's voice over the phone before we were cut off that he was just in an accident. I had that terrible feeling in my stomach and just knew that that had to be what happened. I immediately started calling him back and trying to keep myself calm. After calling 2 or 3 times in a row, I told myself to give him a couple of mintues and then try again. The whole time I was fighting tears and panic, but within 3 minutes he called me and told me he was okay. I managed to ask him what happened and he said he flipped his truck but was okay and that the sheriff was there so he needed to go. I could tell his voice was a little shaky, but I just started thanking God that he was fine and crying a whole lot but trying not to scare Garrison.
Again, to make a long story short, I talked to Terrell again a few mintues later and then Garrison and I went to the scene of the accident. I was able to look over the guard rail and see Terrell's truck several feet below completely upside down. We are both sooo thankful that he walked away from this accident. It could have been much much worse. We waited there on the side of the road for a special wrecker to come and pull the truck out of the hole it was in. One of Terrell's co-workers, Beth, stopped by and helped entertain Garrison while we waited. It was also there on the side of the road that we called our parents to let them know what happened. Terrell's dad and my mom both offered to come over if we needed them. So after convincing Terrell that he definitely needed to see a doctor to be checked out, and us accepting that it would be best if Garrison didn't have to go with us, Terrell's mom headed to Covington.
As soon as the wrecker got the truck we left the scene to come home and get Garrison ready for his nap. Plus, Terrell really wanted to take a shower and change clothes. He was flithy from having to climb the embankment once he got out of the truck. We were both still really shaky at this point, but so very thankful that he was okay. When Terrell's mom got to our house, we left to go see the truck at the body shop they had taken it to. We made pictures of the truck and Terrell tried to get out anything important he needed. The biggest things were our laptop, his cell phone, and his GPS.
Then we finally went to Newton Medical's emergency room... it was a very long night for us (and for Terrell's mom who was keeping Garrison). We finally saw a doctor and Terrell was x-rayed and had a CT scan and everything looked fine. No broken bones and no internal injuries. He was prescribed some pain medicine and muscle relaxers and told to take it easy for a couple of days. I think we got home a little after 11:00 that night. We were exhausted. Terrell had a pretty bad scrape and "goose egg" on his right leg, a bump on his head, some scrapes and scratches on his other leg, shoulder, and neck... but other than that was fine. The Lord was with Terrell and kept him from harm when his truck flipped down that steep embankment. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! After seeing the truck upside down the way it was, it truly seems like a miracle that Terrell was able to walk away. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about just how blessed we are. Below are the pictures we made of the truck after it was towed to a body shop.
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