That's how this past weekend felt. Restoration of home and family life and the normal routine again. #PraiseJesus
Terrell was out of town last week and let's just say I'm not my best self when he's not here. Unfortunately I just don't handle ALL THE THINGS, all by myself, all that great. My husband is pretty wonderful. He does a lot around here and is the best teammate. So it is HARD not having my partner here. I thought this particular trip had the potential to be a tad easier with the kids being a little older... and I do believe it's a little easier now that they are more independent, but now I'm working full time and that's a whole 'nother challenge I completely underestimated. #majorly
When the boys were much younger and Terrell first began traveling for work (thank goodness it isn't very often anymore!), I was staying home and remember feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, but also relieved that some things could wait until tomorrow. The laundry, the mess, the errands.
This go round, that just wasn't possible. There was no putting off until tomorrow because there would be no time tomorrow. I'd hardly even be home tomorrow! School, home, after school routine/homework, supper, practice, baths, bedtime, and finally, exhaustion (for mama). Repeat. I managed to do 1 and a half loads of laundry all week. The first load I started on Monday night, dried on Tuesday afternoon some time, and put away on Wednesday. The 2nd load was started on Wednesday and dried on Wednesday but that's as far as we made it. The piles of laundry grew and grew and I literally wasn't home, or awake, enough to do any of it.
I also wasn't able to tackle any of the messes that accumulated while I was on my own. School papers, toys, books, beyblades, etc. Everything around here felt neglected. I didn't cook one single time. I think I cried or came really close to crying at some point every day due to frustration or being overwhelmed or wondering why do I stink at this? or how can I keep up with my lesson plans and school responsibilities AND my kids and the house?? I even wondered more than once what I'd do if something ever happened to Terrell. I mean boys are crazy. I need my husband! Satan attacked me and I felt too worn out to fight back. It almost always occurred around bedtime. I think it was the exhaustion of the day catching up with me. Plus I still had things to do after getting the kids to bed. Plus I couldn't talk to Terrell much on this trip because he had a roommate. Boo.
Thankfully every moment of the week wasn't challenging and hard. I had lots of help, I was able to take Layton to school for the first time this school year (which we both loved!), the boys got along really well for the most part, and our mornings went almost perfect. I think I just felt like there was SO much to do and I was flat worn out. It felt impossible. Plus I got sort of discouraged living in the mess... and sort of frustrated with myself for being overwhelmed.... and sort of had some short lived pity parties. (I couldn't dwell in self-pity because who had the time or energy?!)
So last week was challenging. And even now, just a few days removed from flying solo, I can already make myself feel a little like a failure and wonder just a teensy bit why it was such a big deal. One day I know I'll look back and think it wasn't that hard. But that's why I want to write about it. I want to be real and transparent and remember that in the moment it was hard. God blessed us with everything we needed but mama was challenged. There were some tears, there was some craziness, there were most definitely some messes, but we did it and the boys hopefully aren't scarred.
The weekend, which began for us Friday morning as we hardly saw each other Thursday evening even though Terrell was back home, the weekend brought restoration and sweetness. Our family found our groove. My husband became king of the laundry. (YAY! Haha!) I managed some dusting and vacuuming. We made a family effort to get all the things back where they belonged. We rested. We enjoyed having everyone back under one roof. We laughed, yelled, refereed, cheered, prayed, and loved together. It wasn't perfect, but it was. It was a gift from God and so full of grace.
Last week felt long and I definitely struggled through it, but this weekend made it worth it. I think we all felt restored. Except for the time change. This particular time change isn't my friend and didn't do much to help me recover from my exhausting week, but we still had such a great one. We enjoyed a family date to Chick fil A on Friday night, opening day of baseball Saturday, lots of downtime at home, a great morning at church, a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon, and I even managed to get some of my school work done.
And now as we start another week, the laundry is tackled, the house is back in order, for the most part, and daddy is home sweet home. We love and appreciate him so!!
Weekend restoration was a sweet blessing we are all thankful for!
Last week felt long and I definitely struggled through it, but this weekend made it worth it. I think we all felt restored. Except for the time change. This particular time change isn't my friend and didn't do much to help me recover from my exhausting week, but we still had such a great one. We enjoyed a family date to Chick fil A on Friday night, opening day of baseball Saturday, lots of downtime at home, a great morning at church, a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon, and I even managed to get some of my school work done.
And now as we start another week, the laundry is tackled, the house is back in order, for the most part, and daddy is home sweet home. We love and appreciate him so!!
Weekend restoration was a sweet blessing we are all thankful for!
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