Happy Halloween!! Before we kick off our Halloween festivities I wanted to recap our weekend. We enjoyed lots of our yearly Halloween traditions and had such a great few days. It was just what we needed and the perfect combination of rest and fun. ☺
Friday right after school the boys got to paint their pumpkins. This tradition started a few years ago and is definitely a favorite. It's so simple but they LOVE it. So mama loves it too!
And here are the final DRY products of the boys' mini pumpkins.
Garrison went with a GA theme, Austin went with a bright and colorful theme, and Layton went with a layered theme. Haha. He had soo much paint on his. It finally dried. ☺
Later that night after supper, we finally carved our pumpkin! Garrison was a huge help as always, Austin was pretty grossed out as always, and Layton was a curious, semi-involved observer as always. Hahaha!
I love their faces! Cleaning out the pumpkin is always the most exciting. And grossest. Ha!
Layton and Austin both used the spoon....
But as you can tell from Austin's faces in each picture, it was fine by him to watch. And me. ☺
Daddy and the boys decided they wanted a Georgia G this year instead of a traditional jack o lantern, so while daddy was hard at work attempting his toughest design yet, the boys watched Spookley. Perfect for pumpkin carving night.
The finished product!
We were really proud of our G. (But I want to go back to a traditional jack o lantern next year... our poor G has already started to cave. #blessit)
Then on Saturday we celebrated our favorite 2 year old at her 2nd birthday party!
It was the sweetest, cutest party.
The theme was shoes and it was PERFECT for Piper Caroline! Baby Girl is all about some shoes. Everything turned out so cute and fitting for the birthday girl.
Her cake was precious!! And soo good!!
We had lunch together and then laughed so hard watching her open her presents. She loved every single one!
After opening lots of presents, it was time for cake. She was getting sleepy but still so excited.
She beamed when everyone started singing to her. #cutestbirthdaygirlever
We had so much fun celebrating with her at her party!
We came home from Piper's party and crashed for a bit before getting ready to head out and celebrate Papa's birthday. We cheered on our Bulldogs and then went out to eat with the whole fam. I'm pretty sure Piper thought we were all singing to her again. ☺
We had such a great Saturday. #actionshot Thank you Lord for the blessing of family.
Sunday was super cold! We went to church, bought groceries, ate lunch, took a quick nap, and then watched Garrison play soccer. It was a full one but we loved the cold weather! Of course it's warming up this week but hopefully Fall will be back to stay!
We are super excited about enjoying our Halloween traditions tonight! Fun, sweet, yummy, and a tad wild. ☺
Happy Halloween!!