I'm hesitant to compare him to Garrison at this age because I don't want to make a habit of it. I want to celebrate their differences and unique little personalities and be very careful about comparisons... but, on the same hand, Garrison is all I have to compare him to and I'm thinking comparing baby milestones and stuff like that should be harmless. As long as I don't carry over the comparisons into toddlerhood and preschool and big school...
So far their baby personalities have been really similar. They were/are both laid-back-easy-going-happy babies. They're just content. What can I say? We've been blessed. However, the pace at which they reached milestones have been really different. Austin just seems to be older than Garrison was at this age. Austin rolled over sooner, pulled up sooner, "scooted" sooner, etc. Plus, Austin is already experiencing things earlier than Garrison did and exposed to more than Garrison was at this age (except for a swimming pool and ocean...Garrison experienced all that at 5 months). I guess that comes with being a little brother. You get to ride in a wagon much sooner because that's what big brother wants to do. You get to take in the sights and sounds of places like the Chick-Fil-A playground, library, and Chuck E. Cheese because those are places big brother loves. You're introduced to big boy toys and big boy play all because you're blessed with a big brother.
It's bittersweet for me. I'm SO grateful that Austin has Garrison in his life and vice versa, and that their relationship and bond is already strong, but it's still kind of sad seeing your baby grow up so fast. They're actually both growing fast, it just seems faster when it comes to baby #2.
Anyway, here's a quick peek at what my baby boy has been up to...
He went for a short ride in the wagon with Garrison
He had a fun bath. So much fun that he made a huge mess and got water everywhere!
A move to the big bath tub with Garrison is in his near future.
It makes me nervous to think about putting him in the big tub (Garrison stayed in the little one forever), but he's a wild man at bathtime slinging his rag around and splashing and wiggling and drenching mama. The time is drawing near. And I'm sure it will be fun. =)
Sunday night he discoverd how to pull up in his crib... he's now sleeping on a lowered mattress. Way down on the floor. He seems so far away when I go in to wake him up. But he is SO proud of himself every time he pulls up. He laughs and smiles and is just thrilled with himself.
Almost every time I lay him down now he sits right back up and tries to pull up. And I always lay him right back down and tell him it's time to go to sleep. Then I leave the room really fast because if I hurry he won't sit up again and try to pull up since he won't have an audience. That's what I keep telling myself at least.
Yesterday he figured out how to pull up on the stool we keep in the kitchen. Oh my gracious.
I could not believe my eyes. He never stood straight up, but he made it to his feet and that was a feat in itself. Again, he was tickled with himself.
He is growing so, so fast. I just have to soak it up! The official report of stats and updates coming tomorrow... or Friday.
They are too cute, Meggie. I really need to get down there to visit Anna (and now that she's done with school that seems much more feasible) and I'd love to see y'all too. Avery would love playing with Garrison & Austin. She loves to follow the older kids around and do what they do (she follows my 4 yr old nephew EVERYWHERE when he's around), and she LOVES babies and now that Austin doesn't look so fragile anymore, she'd love nothing more than to kiss all over him and teach him patty cake...that's her thing with babies right now.
Awww, that sounds like a great idea!! Let's plan a play date for all of us! =) I'll have to talk to Anna and we can all check our calendars. The last time I saw Avery she was still an itty bitty baby. Austin loves patty cake so that's perfect!!
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