Monday, June 11, 2012

9 Months Old

Austin is 9 months old! His 9 month birthday was actually last Sunday on the 3rd, BUT since our 9 month well-check wasn't until today, and since this time last week was even crazier than this time this week, I decided to hold off on Austin's monthly update.

This month has been a tad wild and crazy when it comes to Mr. Austin. Sort of like one big adventure of chasing him down and keeping him away from stuff he can't have, and rescuing him from a certain big brother who has become really rough lately, and removing dog food or bits of trash from his teeny little fingers. He has been on the move constantly this month. What an adventure! He's not walking yet, or even showing signs of walking, but this mama ain't scared. Baby boy gets where he wants to go already. And fast.

He keeps us running... and laughing and smiling and cuddling and loving on him and kissing those sweet, chubby cheeks. This sweet boy melts my heart on a regular basis and I am SO thankful for the gift he is to our family.

Garrison at 9 months. This picture makes me laugh. Garrison loved to smile huge-mouth-wide-open smiles at this age. =)

Stats and Happenings This Month:

*You weigh 18 pounds, 9.5 ounces and are 27 inches long. You are in the 20th percentile for weight and the 15th for height. Even though you're a tad on the small size you're still a chunky little butterball to us! It was shocking to hear that you're considered "small" since you're so rolly and heavy. Ha! But, you are growing great and very proportiate and will more than likely catch up with a growth spurt in the future.
*You are still wearing size 4 diapers and are now in mostly 12 months clothes... with some 6-12 mixed in.
*You got 2 more teeth on top! And, after your birthday last Sunday, another one broke through! You now have 4 in a row on top and the 2 middle ones on the bottom.
*Teething took it's toll this month. You ran a fever off and on for a few days, your appetite decreased some, and you became way more fussy than usual. But we think you're back to your happy, content, busy little self now!
*You now take 4 bottles a day of about 5 ounces each. And since your appetite decreased some you don't LOVE your baby food like you used to. You still like to eat and are ready for food as soon as you get in the highchair, but you're just a little more picky. Pears, apples, and sweet potatoes and corn seem to be your favorite foods.
*This is a biggie.... You rarely spit up anymore! For months it felt like this day would never come. I hardly ever have to change your clothes during the day and if you spit up it's usually a really small amount every other day, if that. This is a very exciting milestone! Reflux is over!! 
*You've become an even better sleeper. We are so blessed! You go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 every night and wake up between 7:45 and 8:15 every morning. You still take 2 morning naps that are both an hour and a half to 2 hours long.
*You learned to say bye-bye and ma-ma this month. I love hearing little words come out of your mouth!
*You learned how to crawl a "regular" crawl this month. You still army crawl a lot too because you're so fast.
*You pull up on any and everything you possibly can. Garrison even had to rescue you when you pulled up on his Little Tikes grill and it tobbled over.
*Your relationship with Garrison is changing now that you're so mobile. You follow him around and love to play with his toys and now ya'll can actually play together. One of your favorite things to do together is for Garrison to stand at one end of the hall and hit (plastic) golf balls to you at the other end. You both love that game.
*Your personality continues to grow and shine and you are such a sweet and busy baby! We love you soooo much and are so thankful for you! Happy Birthday baby boy!!

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