Wednesday, May 4, 2011


We had our big doctor's appointment yesterday at 11:00 and found out that Garrison will have a little brother come September! Everything went great at the appointment and baby boy is active and healthy. We even got to see him completely roll over and move around. At first his head was facing the wall to my left, then he completely rolled over until his head was facing the wall to my right. We loved watching him! It was really funny because Terrell and I both realized he was a boy as soon as she started the ultrasound. Neither one of us said anything til later but we both knew almost right away. I remember thinking, What was that? Was that it?? It's a boy? But I didn't want to blurt it out because I wasn't 100% sure what I was looking at I just thought it looked similar to Garrison's little ultrasound picture. Then the technician showed us his head, heart, arms, hands, legs, and feet before asking if we wanted to know the sex. She even asked if we knew because she wasn't paying attention to "it" and definitely wasn't going to reveal anything until she made sure we wanted to know. That's when Terrell said "It's a boy?" and she checked and confirmed that it's indeed a boy! Then I remember thinking, Wow, it's a boy. I'm going to have two boys. Awww. Another boy. Wait a minute, now we have to tell Garrison he's having a baby brother... not a baby sisser. I hope he's not disappointed. Why am I even nervous about this? Garrison will love a baby brother. Even as my mind was wandering, I couldn't take my eyes off my sweet baby boy. And we were thrilled and so thankful to hear that he looks great. He weighs 14 ounces already (which is in the normal range) and he's growing and developing wonderfully.

Terrell and I talked later about how we both had been thinking a little more "girl" throughout the pregnancy so we were a teeny bit surprised when we discovered we're having a boy. I'm not sure if surprised is a good word since going into the appointment we both had no clue... we just definitely wouldn't have been surprised if it was a girl. Maybe that's a better way to put it. But, now that we know we're having another boy we're both excited and can't wait to meet him! I think it's starting to sink in for both of us and I know I'm loving the thought of two brothers adoring each other (most of the time anyway!) and playing together and sharing memories and just being best friends growing up. Awww. It makes me happy to think about my two boys together. =)

Here's the ultrasound pics of baby boy. Our scanner isn't working right now, so unfortunately this is what I had to resort to. The first two show him facing out right towards the "photographer". If you look closely you can see that his arm is propped up over his head like he's reclining or resting it there. The technician was able to point that out to us and we thought it was adorable. The bottom two show his little bitty hiney and the proof that he most certainly is a boy.

That evening as soon as Terrell got home from work, we got in the car to meet our parents and my sister at Jim 'N Nick's in Conyers for supper and to reveal the gender. So we knew for quite a while but couldn't tell until seeing everyone in person at the restaurant. On our way we stopped and picked up one of the only cakes in Publix that looked sort of like a boy and had his name written on it. The name we chose is Austin Carson. Austin is Terrell's middle name and a name we decided a long time ago to use for one of our children girl or boy. Carson is Terrell's dad's name (actually his middle name as well, except it's the name he goes by) and it was important to Terrell that we use Carson as a middle name for one of our children too. After Terrell saw the full name written out a couple of times, he thanked me for letting him have the name this time. =) Once we all got to the restaurant and ordered our food, Terrell did the honors once again of popping the wrong balloon. The pink one!

Nana and Pops brought Garrison his own special balloon too. After seeing daddy pop a balloon, little man decided to take a shot at his baseball balloon.

We enjoyed our meal together and talked about the new baby, and even broke the news to Garrison. (We were afraid to tell him before everyone else because we thought he might spill the beans before we were ready.) I think he was so excited to have everyone there he wasn't even phased by hearing he would have a baby brother instead of "sisser". He did say the name Austin for us and sounded precious. After supper we enjoyed eating a yummy Publix cake in honor of baby Austin.

Group Shot (I can't thank everyone enough for making the drive over and celebrating with us in person. It's what made our day extra fun and sharing our news that much more special. We love ya'll and are so proud to welcome Austin into our amazing family! Thanks again!!)

The little man loved the cake, and his balloon, and the fact that he got to eat supper with Nana, Pops, Granna, Papa, and AnAn. He even wanted to thank God for eating supper with them when we prayed last night. He also told Austin night night by lifting up my shirt and bending down to my belly and saying "Night night baby.... (then I said what's the baby's name?) "Ausin". Precious.

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