I've been wanting to blog more about the transition from staying home/working from home part time for 8 years to working full time as a teacher again, this time with 3 kiddos. I honestly haven't had the time or energy to do much updating.
So I thought I'd try to give a little update as I feel right now I am truly in the trenches of the school year. And working mom life! I've actually felt that way since day 1 but now is just a little different. I mean, the beginning of the year is exhausting with all things new and ALL THE PREP. It's a crazy time for all teachers with a flurry of things to do and get ready for. It just happened to be super duper crazy for me this year returning to the profession after 8 years away and in a brand new school and grade level. But now it seems as though we've settled in so to speak and are going strong every single day. We're in a good groove. Yay.
So the really great and amazing thing about this update is that I am still loving my job and PreK in general. God's grace amazes me. I never thought there would ever come a day when I would enjoy working full time in the classroom again. I was retired from teaching and loving my job at home and that was that. Ha. But I love teaching my 4 and 5 year olds and have enjoyed all the fun that comes with this age and all the growth and learning I get to witness. I'm definitely at home in my grade level and my school. Which are huge blessings for my first year back!
I think the challenges have come in managing everything on my plate. Which is true for every mom, working or staying home, first year back or not. For me, having been home full time the majority of the past 8 years I have been used to cleaning my house, running all the errands, having lots of time with my boys, and preparing for things like birthday parties, PTO obligations, school functions (as a parent), Sunday School commitments, or holidays. Before this school year, I had to manage my time for sure, but it was at home. So being away from my house and all my boys for 8 hours every work day with no opportunity for errands or cleaning or anything else but teaching/school itself has been a little challenging and overwhelming. There truly is no time for anything else during school hours.
So I really like leaving the school by 4:00 every day... 3:45 (the time we can officially leave) if at all possible. I just like being home and with my family. It seems to stress me out to stay late. I'm anxious to see my kids and to have some time at home to clean out lunchboxes, go through book bags, get homework done, etc before Terrell takes two or more boys to soccer. (We actually decided not to do choir this year because of needing a mid-week break and a guaranteed night of being home with an early supper and relaxing evening. I'm a little sad about it but mostly relieved and at peace. I couldn't imagine having that commitment every Wednesday for the entire school year this year.) Most days I'm somewhat on top of things at school by the time I leave but some days I'm bringing things home or leaving more for myself to do the following day. And that can stress me out too. Still, knowing I haven't seen my kids all day, haven't been home all day, am flat worn out, and have things waiting to be done once I get home are good motivators to get out of there on time.
I know that the first year of anything new can be the toughest. Starting from scratch as a teacher is especially tough. I'm creating lesson plans from scratch, coming up with activities from scratch, and doing a brand new (to me) assessment program for the first time ever. So I keep telling myself that next year will definitely be easier. I'll have so much to pull from and so much already in place and ready to go that my prep time will be cut way down. #allthepraisehands!! So basically this year, I'm doing tons of work every week just in preparation for the actual teaching. And the problem with that is that it seems to leave very little time for doing my assessments, weekly newsletters, and other things teaching related. Unfortunately, I'm about to have to start bringing more home. With conferences coming up in December I'm on a quickly approaching deadline and I can't do it all at school. Because then I might as well spend the night. Soooo, I'm just accepting that that's how it has to be for now. *Sigh*
On the home front things are going fairly smoothly. I have my moments for sure. I mean, mama is exhausted and overwhelmed OFTEN. But all in all, we've handled this big transition well and the meltdowns have been kept to a minimum. I think the exhausted state is my biggest complaint. (Ahhhhhhhhh. I'm about to try something that's supposed to help. So we'll see.) That and my house being more neglected than I want. Somehow, Sunday afternoons and/or evenings have become my time to go on a mini cleaning frenzy. Ugh. I need my house to feel somewhat clean when we start the week so I usually vacuum and do one other "chore" and then the whole family picks up and straightens up. It's necessary for me because I can't stand a messy, dirty house going into a new week when I won't be home to tend to it. I don't like cleaning on Sundays but doing a little here and there during the week just isn't a very realistic option right now. I'm too worn out or busy with feeding my family, keeping up with our nightly routines, taking care of school related things, etc to throw in anything else required of me. Terrell is awesome and does most of the laundry and errands now so that is a huge help. He has been amazing and has really tried his best to make this as easy and painless as possible for me. And of course having our moms pick Layton up from preschool and keep him in the afternoons is such a blessing. Knowing he's going to school but only for half a day until Granna or Nana keep him the rest of the day gives me peace of mind being away from him. I do suffer from working mom guilt from time to time and still occasionally mourn my staying home days, but I also have a peace about where I am right now and God's plan for our family. It hasn't been easy every single day, but I know His plan is best and He has already proven Himself faithful.
So, that's where I am currently. Loving my job, thankful for my job, but still learning how to manage working full time while keeping up with being a wife and mom and most of all being present for my family. It's a struggle lots of days. But I know it will get easier (I'm hoping and praying it does at least!!) and I know this is God's plan for our family right now. So thankful for His provisions and amazing grace!!
Happy Friday Eve!!! ☺☺☺☺☺
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