Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Favorites: 1st Week of School!

TGIF!! We have almost made it through our first week of school! Woohoo!!

This week has worn us out big time. We're all adjusting to earlier wake up calls, busier evenings, and crazy afternoons. And mama is dragging... along with everybody else in the house. I know we'll eventually get adjusted and this schedule of ours will feel normal but this week it's pretty much just felt exhausting. Ha! Thankfully despite our exhaustion we've had a really good 1st week back to school. Yay!!

Because I've been tired and a little out of it this week, my favorites are short and sweet... and half of them are from our weekend before the 1st week of school. Haha. Here's a peek at a few of my favorite moments...

*Last Saturday we declared a work in the yard day. It was mostly daddy's work in the yard day but at one point while Layton was taking his morning nap we all headed out to be daddy's helpers. Terrell worked outside almost all day trimming the hedges and cutting the grass and landscaping to perfection. So thankful for him! And his cute little hardworking helpers. =)

*On Saturday night we celebrated Frankie's birthday by going out to eat and then heading over to my parents' house for cake and presents. And while we were there Dr. Austin took care of several patients. (His new favorite thing at my parents' house is mine and Anna's old doctor kit.) He asked AnAn if she needed medicine on her piggy's. Hahaha! AnAn's feet are easily swollen at this point during the pregnancy... but never fear, Dr. Austin is near!

 *We had lots of fun celebrating Frankie's birthday. He's just the best uncle and has 3 HUGE fans in my little men. =)

*On Sunday afternoon Terrell worked outside again...this time cleaning out the garage. It is so nice, neat, and organized now! And he also gave all the boys rides on the lawnmower. I couldn't get a picture of the big boys riding because Layton was throwing DOWN over missing out. Bless his heart. It's tough being the baby of the family. Thankfully daddy made sure to give Layton a ride too. Which he loved!

*This little man's 1st day of school was a bittersweet favorite. It was hard saying goodbye to summer but I am so thankful for his good attitude this new school year and his GREAT first week!!

*Extra quality time with my littles this week has been good. We're all adjusting to Garrison being at school all day so that's been a little tough but Austin and Layton seem to be becoming better and better playmates. This week they played ball together for the first time ever and Austin was so excited that Layton could throw the ball with him! It was music to my ears and a flashback of when Garrison and Austin first learned to play together. So sweet. 

*We went to a fun back to school party hosted by one of my besties on Wednesday night. The boys ate ice cream and played and played. They had a ball! And it was good for us to see friends and get to hang out and talk too. =) 

*Soccer practice was cancelled last night so we ended up playing under the garage while it rained yesterday afternoon. The boys loved it! Even though they had a small space they loved being outside, watching the rain, and doing something new and different. =) We had a really great night off. God's grace in the form of rain and a break from the heat. 

Our first week back is almost in the books! We have a laid back but fun weekend planned that includes take-out and a movie night tonight, shopping and 2 parties tomorrow, and a hopefully restful, relaxing Sunday. Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!! We made it! =)

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