Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fun Filled Long Weekend!

This weekend was full of fun for the Selph household! And we loved almost every single minute. The only part that wasn't fun was the Falcons heartbreaking loss. Boohoo! We took it hard. It was so sad to be that close once again and come up short. Can you say reliving Georgia's loss to Alabama in the final seconds? When will one of our teams win the big game?? Ahhhhh. I can't dwell on it. I've done enough of that already...So moving on to our fun filled long weekend...

Saturday we headed to the hometown to get the boys' hair cuts, spend time with family, and celebrate my Nanny's birthday with my dad's side of the family. Saturday was fun. (Except for when we got everybody and everything loaded up ready to go Saturday morning and our car wouldn't crank. Thank you Lord that jumping it off worked!)

Both of my boys loved spending the weekend in Barnesville. We hadn't been "home" since Christmas so they were ready to have time with the grandparents and just a new place to play. They especially loved Nanny's party. And cake is always the highlight.

Garrison's new thing is playing with his hair... he did this when he was a baby and the habit is back... which explains why he's holding onto his hair as he helps Nanny blow out her candles. Silly boy.

Sunday morning we went to church and I decided when we got home to have my mom take a few pictures of us all dressed up. I always think all my boys look so handsome on Sunday mornings but we never get any pictures all spiffed up. So this time I made a point to make it happen. Out of the 10 my mom took, these 2 were the best. Family pictures are hard work!

Then yesterday we had a super fun time at Snow Mountain! Yay!! I love family outings and this one ranked pretty high on the fun and special scale. We got there a little after 12 and went straight to the snow play area. Austin was pretty apprehensive at first but it didn't take him long before he was ready to play and digging in the snow just like brother and daddy. We had perfect weather and that made our experience even more enjoyable.

We spent the first several minutes there just digging and playing. The snow is fake, so it's pretty hard... which means we couldn't ever make a snowman. I was amazed when I saw other people had accomplished the feat. Thankfully Garrison could've cared less about a snowman. He just liked scooping and digging.
After playing in the snow I talked Garrison into going over and checking out the tubing slide. He wanted no part of it. My firstborn takes a while to warm up to things. So I went down with Austin a couple of times first. Austin didn't know what to think our first time down, then decided he wasn't a big fan.
Once Garrison saw I held onto Austin and kept him safe and secure, he was ready. And he loved it! Now, I was the only grown-up who did the kiddie slide, BUT, there were some kids there as big as me so I thought it was safe. We went down over and over again and he never agreed to do it by himself. But we had a ball doing it together!

After leaving the kiddie slide it was time to take on the big "family tube". Since Austin couldn't ride, I stayed with him and watched Terrell and Garrison go. We were both afraid it would scare Garrison but he loved it and was ready to go again as soon as he got off. My baby was in the middle tube right beside Terrell in the gray and black jacket.
While Terrell and Garrison rode the big tube a few more times I took Austin back to play in the snow and tried to keep him entertained. Baby boy was getting tired and giving mama a workout... but he was a trooper and hung in there with all of us the whole time! 
Terrell and I switched places eventually so I could ride down on the big tube with Garrison and have a little break from Austin who was wearing me out. But then Garrison gave me a workout because he was tiring out and wanting to be held a lot too. Gracious. The ride was SO fun! Garrison was smiling and screaming all the way down... just like his mama. =) We're on the middle tube and if you click on the second picture you can see my little man sitting beside me. After that ride our 2 hour limit for the tubing was up so we went back to the play area for even more fun.
Once we were back at the play area we tubed down the little hill a few more times before discovering a "ride" Garrison could do all by himself... sledding in a little "boat" as he called it. He loved doing this. Terrell was at the top and pushed him down over and over and over again. We finally had to wrap it up because Austin was exhuasted and Garrison was too... he just didn't know it. They both had to be carried back to the car.
We had such a good time and are looking forward to going back when Austin's older. Family outings are one of my favorite things ever.

We wrapped up the day with leftovers my mom sent home with us and poop in the bath tub. Ha! Our first time ever to experience poop in the bath tub. We'd experienced everything else but that I think. Garrison could not understand why Austin would do such a thing. Haha. We loved our long weekend and are grateful for an extra day to recuperate before going back to school tomorrow!

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