Friday, December 7, 2012

On the Topic of Santa

Sometime this weekend we're considering a visit to Santa. Considering it. It's a tradition afterall. We've done Santa pictures every year so it wouldn't be right to skip a year just because the kiddos don't like/enjoy/trust him... right?? We've debated over the topic multiple times this holiday season. We'd really like to have the pictures done because it captures the boys at this point in time... and we can look back at them year after year and smile or even laugh... and because we grew up with the tradition and it's one we'd like to pass along. HOWEVER, my babies aren't huge fans of Santa. Correction: Garrison isn't a huge fan of Santa and Austin isn't a huge fan of strangers. Soooo, we're facing a dilemma.

As I've mentioned in the past, the Selph household celebrates the miracle and the magic of Christmas. It's the way Terrell and I both grew up and what we want for our kids... because it's just so much fun! We work hard to keep the focus on Jesus and the celebration of His birth but also have fun with Christmas decorations and Santa and his reindeer delivering toys. The only problem is that Garrison is very inquisitive and isn't so sure he likes the fact that Santa comes into the house while you're asleep to deliver presents. And for some strange reason he has a fear that if he sits in Santa's lap he might try to take him home with him. As in, he might kidnap him. Oh gracious where did that one come from? It must be his imagination because I cannot think of a single reason he'd have that fear. Anyway, he pretty much only likes Santa from a distance and even that might be a stretch.

Then there's Austin. Poor little guy does not like being handed off to someone he dosen't know very well. I have a feeling me handing him to Santa will include prying his little hands away from me and him crying a bad cry. Loudly. Oh dear.

So what are we to do? We know we don't want to spend a lot. No Santa mini session for us this year. It's just not worth it. We also know we can't force our almost 4 year old to sit with Santa. That just wouldn't be pretty. So do we attempt a picture with our own camera (which is free!) but risk Austin being in the picture alone screaming crying because Garrison refuses to get close? Or do we attempt a picture with me and the boys and Santa, leaving Terrell to the photography work? Or do we not worry about it this year? I have no idea. Since Garrison has been sick we've had limited opportunities to even consider a picture with Santa. But now that he's slowly but surely getting better we'd like to give it a try for the sake of tradition and memories. But that seems sort of selfish. Is it really worth it if both boys are scared out of their minds and miserable? (I hope that's an exaggeration but I honestly can't be sure.)

Decisions, decisions.

An opportunity has presented itself for breakfast with Santa in the morning, and we can bring our own camera for pictures. It will be very inexpensive and Garrison will hopefully have a chance to warm up. But, we don't really have anything for the boys to wear. Or me. (I have to be prepared in case I have to be in the picture... which Terrell is specifically against because he thinks I have to be the one to keep them distracted or smiling). And they both need a haircut. (Which we have scheduled for next week.) Of course I'll think they're handsome and adorable no matter what but will I look back at the picture and wonder what I was thinking? Probably. The thing is there may not be another opportunity like this one. What to do, what to do? I don't know!!

At this point we're still undecided... almost right down the middle. And at this point we don't have a back-up plan. Guess we'll discuss it more tonight based on how my little man is feeling and what we think he's up for in the morning. And I guess I'll rumage through their closets this afternoon just in case. If we decide to go for it, I'll post pictures good or bad. But not terrible. If it's a total and complete bust we may just forget about it and put the experience and bad memories behind us. Ha!

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